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What makes up Microservice Architecture?

What makes up Microservice Architecture?

So I bet you have heard about horizontal scaling and more often than not, microservice architecture is mentioned alongside.

You might or might not know what microservice is, but how to build one is a totally different story.

This article will show you the high-level components that make up a microservice architecture and the problems they solve. These specific problems arise during the transition from monolithic to microservice architecture.

What is Microservice Architecture

So here's a quick primer on Microservice architecture, skip ahead if you've already known it.

E-Commerce Application

Imagine you're building an e-commerce application (lame, but everyone knows), you started it off as a monolithic application, where everything is packaged together in one project and deployed together.

Everything was fine and well, but as your web application grows in popularity, the users start to experience timeout and the application is slowing down. Oh no.

Using load balancer to distribute the loads across multiple instances

You thought about load balancing, great, you just need to add another copy of the server to reduce the load, everything runs smoothly again, life goes on.

Before long, you find yourself adding one server after another, costs are climbing high, but users are still complaining about long response time! Are you going to continue adding more servers?

Checkout slows down other users too
Checkout slows down other users too

You started your investigation and realized that the bulk of the slowdowns are due to the complex computation done during checkout, but every user is experiencing a slowdown, especially when it takes multiple seconds to load a product. Your customers are not very happy about it :(

You could add even more servers, but as usage grows, the increasing payments will still slow down the other users who are merely browsing the products.

Therefore, you thought about separating the payment service from your monolithic design. This way, you can just scale the specific part of the application that is resource-intensive!

Most importantly, payments won't slow other users activities anymore! Users are more okay to wait slightly longer during payment, but not when they're browsing.

Breaking down large monolithic to microservices

And this is the dawn of microservices — breakdown of a large monolithic backend into multiple microservices, each running on its own instances.

Of course, it's not as simple as that. There are many overheads involved when it comes to dealing with microservices.

For example, each service needs to talk with each other, how? What about exposing APIs, do all services expose themselves as public endpoints?

Service Discovery

This explains the first question,

How do the microservices talk to each other?

The Problem

Where are the services?

Say, I have microservices Product and Payment, and I launched 5 instances of each. My Payment Service needs to retrieve the product price info from the Product Service, while both are in the same network, but the Payment Service does not know the Product Service's IP Address!

Moreover, in cloud-native environments where each server is essentially ephemeral, the server can be replaced anytime, changing the service's IP anytime (unless a static IP has been specified). This makes it unfeasible to set the IP addresses of other services as configurations.

The Solution

Service Discovery in action

Service Discovery.

Service Discovery Registry will act as a central hub where all services can register themselves to the registry (also known as self-registration, the alternative is 3rd party registration).

As a result, each microservice can now query the Service Discovery Registry for available instances of the service. Commonly, the libraries also implement some sort of load balancing on the client side (e.g., with lb:// load balancing filter).

Popular Service Discovery Registries used are Netflix Eureka, Hashicorp Consul, and Apache Zookeeper.

API Gateway

This was the second question, how would the end users communicate with the microservices?

The Problem

Problem with communicating with microservices

Each microservice will typically be deployed in separate instances, sometimes multiple if necessary. Each instance will have its IP address, and it makes no sense to give the clients the set of IP addresses and ask them to match themselves!

Like the Service Discovery problem, changing IP addresses also poses a huge challenge for clients to keep track of the IP addresses for each service.

It can also be different hostnames, but still, do you want to send to dozens of different hostnames and keep track of them in frontend?

The Solution

Introducing API Gateway Server!

API Gateway in action

The gateway server will be an API entrypoint, which the clients will use to interact with our microservices. The gateway server will retrieve the set of microservices and their IP addresses (or hostname) via the Discovery Server that we just set up.

With configuration (or auto-configured), each endpoint/resource can then be mapped to their respective servers.

As a result, the clients only need a single URL, which is the gateway server's, to access each microservice. Also, since the discovery service is aware of each microservice's status, the gateway server can avoid sending to unhealthy instances (that failed to send a heartbeat to the discovery service).

if you're using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Gateway is a good start, while Netflix's Zuul is another open-source API gateway implementation.

Asynchronous Messaging

So the microservices can communicate with each other now by calling APIs. But what if the destination microservice is down, or busy?

The Problem

So say you have two microservices, the payment service and the receipt service, where the payment service needs to communicate with the receipt service to send an email of receipt to the users after they make a payment.

Of course, the most straightforward way is to send a REST API request from the payment service to the receipt service.

Synchronous communication can slow other services

This works, but it creates a dependency of receipt service to payment service. What happens when the receipt service fails, e.g., being overloaded? The payment service will fail together (at least the portion that needs to communicate with the receipt service). Likewise, if the receipt service slows down, the payment service will also slow together.

Your customers can't pay, and you lose revenue. This is bad.

This came to me as a wow moment when I read the following from DDIA

If service A and B both have an uptime of 99%, but service A depends on service B, causing service A's uptime to be 0.99 * 0.99 = 98%

The Solution

What if the payment service doesn't need to care if receipt service is working or not?

Let's review back, does payment service need the response? Apparently no. As long as the payment goes through, the user's transaction is successful, and the receipt, while it's important, it's not critical for payment service to work.

Therefore, this allows us to use asynchronous messaging. In simple terms, imagine a queue, that payment service pushes the requests to the queue, while receipt service pulls the request from the queue and processing it.

Asynchronous here means that the sender does not need to wait for the response.

Asynchronous communication with messaging queue eliminates the wait

In this scenario, it's okay if the receipt service(the consumer) is slow to respond, or even fails! The queue will continue to expand, and when the receipt service is back available, it will continue to pull (consume) the requests (messages). Meanwhile, the payment service(the producer) can continue to push (produce) the requests to the queue regardless of the status of the receipt service!

Likewise, even if the receipt service is processing the requests slowly, the queue can act as a buffer and store the requests while waiting for receipt service to complete, and the payment service can continue to publish without interruption.

The use of asynchronous communication essentially decouples the two services, removing the dependencies between them.

Of course, it doesn't apply to all scenarios, such as when your payment service needs to read the product info from the product service to calculate the price. Nevertheless, decoupling via asynchronous messaging is always a good idea!

Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ are the two most popular open-source solutions to achieve asynchronous messaging. Meanwhile, there are also solutions by cloud providers like AWS SQS and Google's pub/sub.

Authentication Server

Authentication is always a deep subject — It requires many considerations and weighing the pros and cons of each option. From stateful (OAuth tokens) to stateless (JWT), what is the best choice?

But when it comes to microservice architecture, more considerations need to be made.

The Problem

The service doesn't recognize the user

In monolithic architecture, authentication is often just deciding on statelessness or which library to use, and simply including it via a middleware (such as Laravel or Django) or it's already included in the ecosystem like Spring Boot's Spring Security.

However, when it comes to microservice, there usually isn't a straightforward solution.

The first challenge is where we place the authentication logic? Even after deciding on the location, we need to find a way to pass the authentication information to other microservices.

Certainly not as easy as setting it up in monolithic, right?

The Solution

Authentication Server identifies the user

Keycloak Server

Personally, I always opt for stateful authentication with OAuth 2.0 (refresh token & access token) when it comes to authentication. Therefore, my solution here will focus on it.

I always believe that implementing authentication correctly is not easy, and I wouldn't want to reinvent the wheel, so I'll bring in an open-source solution — Keycloak. Host Keycloak as one of the services, and connect to it.

Keycloak provides OAuth 2.0 authentication functionality within, so we can leverage its capability and pass the tokens around. One option here would be using Cookies (more secured), and another would be storing it in localstorage (less secured).

But how do we integrate the Keycloak Server? Check below for the architecture

Every authenticated incoming request will have the tokens in its cookies, and the gateway server can intercept and send the tokens over to Keycloak for validation, and identify the current user. The info can then be embedded into the request's header as it travels between the microservices.

The functionalities, including login and logout, can be directly called via REST APIs to the Keycloak Server. Moreover, Keycloak also provides a lot of other services, like revoking tokens, and password policy, which I find very convenient, rather than implementing by ourselves.

Hybrid Authentication

Communicating about the user between services

While the info could be embedded directly into the request's header as plaintext, and with the right setup, microservices shouldn't be able to be accessed externally, it feels more right for me to implement an additional layer of security.

This comes in from the inter-microservice communication, where the active user's info is being passed around. Of course, after initial validation, there's no point for each subsequent microservice to validate the tokens again as this will greatly increase the latency.

Therefore, all the other microservices will rely on the info from the gateway server, and I believe that embedding the info in JWT is the right way to go. Reason? This allows each individual microservice to validate the authenticity of JWT, in case of a bad security policy that exposes the microservice to the public, leading to risks of impersonation. (You can call me paranoid)

Of course, this is just a hypothetical scenario, and headers can definitely work. However, you'll also need to make sure you have cleaned the headers from incoming requests before passing on the request to other microservices to prevent users from impersonating others by tampering with their headers. (If your header is predictable)


When an error occurs, we will check the log. However, where are the logs in case of microservice?

The Problem

Problem with logging

Using back the same example earlier, we have payment service, receipt service and an additional invoice service. Let's say we have scaled up, and there are like 5 instances for each service (totalling up to 15).

Now, a user reported an error when making payment, and you wish to check the stacktrace from the server logs, but which server do you find the logs? Let's say in a hypothetical scenario, where the user's request travelled many services:

As shown above, the single request travelled from payment service to invoice service, back to payment service, and finally to receipt service. Where exactly did the exception happened?

And worse, the logs can be disjoint, where logs 1-5 in payment service, logs 3-8 in invoice service and logs 4-6 in receipt service all correspond to the same request, but how do you track them? Do you have to join manually?

Debugging in microservice certainly isn't fun, and without a proper logging infrastructure, it will quickly become a nightmare.

The Solution

Using ELK to solve the logging problem

A straightforward method is to tag each request with a unique ID, and the ID will be passed along as the request travels across different microservices. This way, we can at least more easily associate multiple disjoint logs together. (This is typically known as the correlation ID)

Moreover, we can also aggregate the logs by using the ELK Stack. Let's break it down

  1. ElasticSearch

    To query and search for keywords in the logs for analysis.

  2. LogStash

    LogStash can help to load the data into ElasticSearch

  3. Kibana

    Finally, Kibana visualizes the log data to help in better monitoring and analysis.

Those 3 together make up the Logging Stack in microservice. As a result, all the logs are stored in a centralized location, properly indexed, and can be queried quickly.

The only thing remaining is to configure your microservices to send logs generated over to your ELK, and from there you can quickly look up the exceptions.

PS: ELK also supportscorrelation ID, so you can visualize the path that a request takes as it travels from user to your server, and back to the user. As long as you tag each request properly, you can immediately retrieve all the logs related to a specific request given thecorrelation ID.


This short article summarizes the main components of a microservice architecture and their purposes, that is, to solve the problems that arise when implementing microservice architecture.

Of course, these are more of the surface of the problems faced when implementing microservice architecture. However, these will be the first problems that you will have to consider before diving straight into the world of microservices.

Other larger problems also include data management*(which microservice holds what data, and how they exchange?)* and of course, race conditions*(if service A and B both modify a piece of data at the same time, who will win?)*

Sometimes I find it ironic that these problems arise due to microservice architecture, and we have to build so much more to get it right in microservice.